HEIDENHAIN MANUAL plus 620 – UK Authorised Distributor/Dealer
For many years now, the MANUALplus has been proving itself in daily use on cycle lathes and is characterized particularly by convenient manual machine operation. Application-oriented cycle programming enables the machinist to create and edit programs rapidly and efficiently on the lathe.
HEIDENHAIN MANUAL plus 620 – Ease of Use
The HEIDENHAIN MANUALplus 620 extends the area of application to single-spindle CNC lathes. With the smart.Turn operating mode, HEIDENHAIN has made yet another step forward toward greater ease of use. Easily understandable program entry in forms, default setting for global values, selection options and straightforward graphic support ensure fast and easy operation. The smart.Turn interface is based on the proven HEIDENHAIN DIN PLUS: smart.Turn creates DIN PLUS programs and provides both the NC programmer and the machine operator with all relevant information during program run.
HEIDENHAIN MANUALplus 620 Cycle Programming
The HEIDENHAIN MANUAL plus 620 is designed for lathes with spindle, one slide (X and Z axis), C axis or positionable spindle and driven tool. It is suited for horizontal and vertical lathes with simple tool holders tool turrets. Cycle lathes are often used for smaller and mid-size production batches. The operator of a HEIDENHAIN MANUAL plus 620 benefits from the easily learned & intuitive cycle programming. Using HEIDENHAIN cycle programming, workpieces can be machined quickly and efficiently. And when requirements increase and complex machining tasks are required of your lathe, the operator can create NC programs with the new smart.Turn programming mode. The smart.Turn programming mode of operation is the basis for NC programming on CNC lathes. This new type of NC programming is also mastered quickly, since the machinist does not have to deal with G or M functions, or with structuring a machining block. smart.Turn uses the easy-to-learn form entry method of programming.

The HEIDENHAIN MANUAL plus 620 control for cnc and cycle lathes, supply by EEC Ltd – Authorised HEIDENHAIN UK Distributor/Dealer