Digital Readouts For the Mold Making Industry

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New Acu-Rite DRO Installations – Mold Making Company in Dorset

Following consultation and a quotation with a local mold making company, EEC Ltd were asked to replace old 2-axis DRO systems. The original, 20+ year old digital readouts were tired and failing old work horses. We quoted for 2 new Acu-Rite DRO systems.

Firstly a KRV 2000 mill with a failing Acu-Rite III DRO and secondly a DSG Lathe with a failing Mitutoyo DRO system, both in their main tool room. These old digital readouts were replaced with brand new industry-standard Acu-Rite digital readout systems.

The KRV 2000 mill had a legacy Acu-Rite DRO which EEC Ltd  replaced with the new and current Acu-Rite DRO 203 and SENC 150 scales. Thanks to Acu-Rite standardised fittings and dimensions, the replacement scales bolted directly into pre-existing Acu-Rite holes and brackets used by the original Acu-Rite scales, which saved time and money for the customer.

After less than half a day’s work on the KRV 2000, the system had been completely replaced and we gave a full demonstrated, for the operator to fully utilise the numerous functions of the Acu-Rite DRO 203 display.

Concurrently, a second engineer was removing the old Mitutoyo system from the DSG lathe and deciding what modifications would need to be done with the existing brackets to mount the new Acu-Rite system.

After levelling off the original backing spars due to a poor original fitment, the replacement scales were installed to the lathe – with a small amount of modification to the original head brackets for use of the new digital readout on the KRV. Once the display was mounted and set up for 2 axis operation on the lathe – with diameter on the X axis, the Acu-Rite DRO 203 was then demonstrated, highlighting the turning specific features available on the display.

Both machines were upgraded and back in use within one day with the customer extremely happy, and the operator impressed with the new features on the Acu-Rite DRO 203 Digital Readout.

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